If you suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), you know the effects this breathing-related sleep disorder has on your body and your emotional health. Your cognitive abilities may be affected, and you may even have long-term physical effects from years of damage from untreated sleep apnea.
Whatever the case may be, if you’re reading this, you are likely doing some research on sleep apnea treatment. You may be considering finding a sleep apnea dentist in your area after getting a sleep apnea diagnosis recently, or you may be wondering if you can do anything at home to help get better quality sleep. Yes, there are, and we will share some with you.
Sleep Apnea Dentists
Dr. Maria Escoto is a Miami Beach, Florida, sleep apnea dentist who have been providing sleep apnea treatment to people in and around this area for many years. They can help you, too.
The good news is that there are ways you can supplement your sleep apnea treatment by making some lifestyle changes. By changing some habits you’ve grown accustomed to over the years, you can help yourself by supplementing the sleep apnea treatment you’ll get from these amazing sleep apnea dentists.
Lifestyle Changes to Supplement OSA Treatment
The sleep apnea dentists at SoBeDentist™ will custom design an oral appliance that you will wear in your mouth according to their instructions. You may need some dental work before being fitted for an oral appliance. Your dentists will have to get your oral health in good shape for oral appliance therapy. Your medical history will indicate whether or not you’d be a good candidate for Oral Appliance Therapy.
Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) has proven to be highly effective in treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and CPAP, which stands for “Continuous Positive Airway Pressure,” is no longer the only way to treat sleep apnea successfully. CPAP works well but is very difficult for many people because of the equipment required to sleep. For people who have been unable to tolerate CPAP, Oral Appliance Therapy is a very appealing treatment option.
Regardless of which sleep apnea treatment is prescribed for you, these are the lifestyle changes you can make to supplement your sleep apnea treatment:
- Sleep on your side
- Choose the right pillow
- Lose weight if your weight and BMI indicate this would be necessary
- Buy a mattress recommended for your sleep apnea
- Turn off technology at night that would disrupt your sleep
- Stick to a set schedule even on days you’re not working
- Avoid alcohol late in the day
- Avoid caffeine late in the day
- Avoid sugary foods and beverages
- Exercise regularly
- Don’t spend hours lying in bed when you’re not trying to sleep (don’t watch TV in bed for hours or do work projects in bed)
- Quit smoking
- Avoid daytime napping as this will affect your ability to sleep at night
More About Sleep Apnea
People who are overweight often have a narrowing of their airway; the narrowed airway causes an obstruction, interrupting your breathing as you sleep. Most people with sleep apnea are snorers because snoring is the sound you make as you force air through an obstructed airway. If your sleep partner has complained about your snoring and you have not been tested for sleep apnea, you may be a great candidate for a sleep study and sleep apnea treatment.
Losing weight and exercising are crucial when it comes to treating sleep apnea in those who are obese. Please know that not everyone who is obese will have sleep apnea, and not everyone who has sleep apnea will be obese. However, weight does play a big part in how severe sleep apnea is and how it should be treated. More behavior modifications and lifestyle changes may be needed if you are overweight and suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Learn More About Sleep Apnea Treatment
Please call our Miami Beach, Florida, sleep apnea dentists at (305) 535-2225 to schedule an initial evaluation for sleep apnea treatment. You may also fill out our online contact form, and one of our team members will reach out to answer questions or assist with scheduling.